SBS Inkigayo 31 Jan 2010
Show! Show! Show!
Stepping My Feet Into The World
The detective game video will be shown to the juniors in LT2 at the beginning of the event. This video contains vital clues on finding the real culprit of the story. After the video, the juniors will then be guided to the Family Park by the orientation officers and other seniors, where they will then have to go through a series of station games in order to obtain pages of a diary which will help to identify the culprit.
Members of each team will have to dress up according to the dress code given to them. They have to come up with a choreography based on the songs given to them.
Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan kamu, Allah selamatkan Farah Izyan, Allah selamatkan kamu...
Happy Birthday Farah Izyan aka Fariz!
Sweet 21