Airasia is opening a new destination which is....... SEOUL!
OMG! I'm totally into it. Even though I've been to Seoul before, I still wanna go again. Last time I went during winter, and now I wanna try another season. Spring should be okay because the scenery will be very beautiful with flowers all around the place. Plus, I haven't been to Jeje Island before. Feels wanna go there as well...

I pick a random dates in April.. and the cost is kinda affordable.. however, this promotion on valid when the booking is made from 4-8 August...

As usual, during public holidays and weekend, the price is quite higher...

Really wanna go again..
OMG! I'm totally into it. Even though I've been to Seoul before, I still wanna go again. Last time I went during winter, and now I wanna try another season. Spring should be okay because the scenery will be very beautiful with flowers all around the place. Plus, I haven't been to Jeje Island before. Feels wanna go there as well...

I pick a random dates in April.. and the cost is kinda affordable.. however, this promotion on valid when the booking is made from 4-8 August...

As usual, during public holidays and weekend, the price is quite higher...

Really wanna go again..
brapa total gi korea bapak?
ajak la anis honeymoon:P
jom pergi, jom!!!
pegi balik RM224 ke ? or pegi saje RM224 ?
ntah la tikah.. bapak x cek pon final price die.. tp mst smpai 600 plus plus... ni x kire beg lg..
jom! ko blanje ek!
kejadahnye pergi balek 224... one way 224 la... kan ade total kat belah kanan tu...
:D kot ler . so r u going ?
haha, ye aku belanja.
no hal, tapi tunggu aku kawen dengan anak raja kenya. haha.
x pegi pon.. nk simpan duit g jalan2 tempat laen plus nk g SS3 next yr.. XD
ok.. ko blanje.. keeps ur words ye!
hehe, i'll try my best,
kau cari la raja kenya yang hensem untuk aku. hehe
kenapa nk raja kenya? afrika xnk? nigeria ke? senegal ke? zimbabwe?
oh yang tu boleh juga, yang penting hensem!
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