I just got the chance to design my own Hari Raya greeting card yesterday. As usual, I used Adobe Photoshop to turn my photo into Hari Raya card. Since I got 2 baju Melayu as baju Raya, I chose maroon as my theme because the colour looked more interesting, more dashing, more stunting, and more stylish. I already sent this card (not really a physical card, but it's an e-card) to all my friends through Friendster. I took 3 hours of my precious time just to design this card. I hope my friends will love it.

Besides e-cards, I also sent the real Hari Raya cards to my friends. This practice had become my routine during Hari Raya, actually fasting month was more accurate. I bought some cards from many places like Giant and gift shops. Usually I bought the cheap one because I liked to send them to many recipients including my friends and my ex-classmates.
However, this year, I only got 2 physical Hari Raya card; one from Kuma and one from Cipak. Kuma sent me card every year. He never missed one after we got separated after SPM. He also sent me Birthday card every year. As return, I also frequently sent him Deepavali and Birthday card each year. Besides that, I also got so many Hari Raya messages in my phone but I already deleted all of them because they took a lot of memories. I didn't send any Hari Raya messages to anybody except the closest one.
This year, not many of my friends could attend my open house because most if them already flew away celebrating Hari Raya overseas. Badd and Wawa in India, Elia in Ireland, Apal in Indonesia and many more.

Besides e-cards, I also sent the real Hari Raya cards to my friends. This practice had become my routine during Hari Raya, actually fasting month was more accurate. I bought some cards from many places like Giant and gift shops. Usually I bought the cheap one because I liked to send them to many recipients including my friends and my ex-classmates.
However, this year, I only got 2 physical Hari Raya card; one from Kuma and one from Cipak. Kuma sent me card every year. He never missed one after we got separated after SPM. He also sent me Birthday card every year. As return, I also frequently sent him Deepavali and Birthday card each year. Besides that, I also got so many Hari Raya messages in my phone but I already deleted all of them because they took a lot of memories. I didn't send any Hari Raya messages to anybody except the closest one.
This year, not many of my friends could attend my open house because most if them already flew away celebrating Hari Raya overseas. Badd and Wawa in India, Elia in Ireland, Apal in Indonesia and many more.
ur card is cun cun..
lawa siott...
sdondon ngan baju raya..
kumea ek skang..
haha,the card was nice.. =p
thanx anta kad raye kt Kg Bendahara..
ur welcome helmy.. next year, u shud send me one..
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