Now it's time to lahar~
We had quite a fun and tiring day yesterday. After Friday prayer, Anis, Azery and I went to Midvalley Megamall because yesterday was supposed to be our lahar day. However, something incovenience occur, Helmy didn't want to join us, while Ida and Bella suddenly wanted to go at 4 pm which is after Q&A session. It's ok la like that, but please tell us earlier. Poor Anis, she had to rush to LRT station to met us at Sg Besi.
KTM Bandar Tasik Selatan It had been a long time I didn't step my feet at Midvalley. The shops inside near the entrance from KTM Station had changed. Now got a lot of dining place there, like The Warung.
Then, we walked, walked, walked, bought our things. I bought an Optimus Prime (the old one) and also a small The Fallen figure. While waiting for Anis to finished her shopping, Azery and I had a quick meal (we shared actually) which was a Korean dish at the food junction on the top floor.

Then, Ida and Bella arrived, they said they wanted to watch movie. We were quicked shocked because we didn't plan to watch any. So, Ida and Bella watch Ice Age 3D while we continued our journey.
Before Ida and Bella headed to the cinema, we had dinner together at The Chicken Rice Shop. We celebrated Ida's belated birthday with a small Chocolate Mousse cake. It was yummy! Thanks to me and Anis who sponsored the cake. Anis bought Ida a purple dotted drink bottle as a present. Ida wah shy-shy cat when we showed her the cake. It was cute! Just enough for 5 people.

Happy Belated Birthday Ida! 

Ah, and today got a lot of monsters thingy at Midvalley. It's somehow related to Mega Sale. We took some pictures with the monsters.

Then, when Ida and Bella was watching movie, we killed our time by window shopping at The Garden. Azery bought two pants today, one from Giodarno and one jeans from Padini inside the ISetan. I took the chance to survey some Transformers toys.
Then, we were thinking of having pancakes for our supper, so we headed back to Midvalley to go to Paddington House of Pancakes. There's A LOT of menu! We were so tired reading the menu one meal by one meal. Lastly, we ordered the Treasure Box while Azery try the Banana pancakes.

The food was awesome! The pancakes were very soft and fluffy. Our Treasure Box contains a lot of mini pancakes, fruits, almond, and ice cream served with maple syrup. While Azery's food was just three pancakes, with banana, sweet custard and ice cream. Oh ya, and then Yan and Ling dropped by to say hi.. =) .. Haha, kantoi with them..
Treasure Box

Then, we met up Ida and Bella outside the restaurant before we went back to Vista.
*The train got problem when we got back! It sucks!