I guessed we are going!
Go where???
Go where???

I had been our dream such a long time ago to watch this prestigious event LIVE but we never got the chance because we didn't know where to get the tickets.
Anis told me that in the paper, the tickets are available for free starting from 31st December, plus it's FREE!
To be exact, we did go to Sri Pentad, Bandar Utama on the 31st but in vain because the guard said that the tickets were not here yet. He asked us to came back tomorrow or the day after. WTH??? Just wasting fuel to go there.
Then, yesterday I came back to Sri Pentas with my brother and luckily got 4 tickets after confronting a nagging mak guard there.
This year's AJL is quite different form the previous ones because there will be no more category awards like Pop Rock, Balada and Etnik Kreatif.
Here's are some of the finalists for AJL:
and tuttttt
nak faizal tahir,wuwu
eh, ko kn ske shila.. hak3..
aku suka bunkface gak..
yuna pon ok..kate senior..so support je..
nway, thx hzwn..muahxs =)
apesal aku suke akim plak?hua3
hak3.. sekati aku la nk bubuh ko ske sape fariz.. ini kn blog aku..
nak pergi gak AJL..ak x pnah pun pergi AJL..T_T
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