IMU Orientation. Great experience, get to know each others, especially the Lollipop-ians..
Celebrated Fariz's birthday at my place.

Charity visit at Rumah Shalom.
Attended Bella's birthday at her house even though we got test on the next day.
Live like usual. Nothing great had happened.
Surprised Anis with birthday party. Picnic style in her house. Makan atas tikar.
Attended David Archuleta's showcase at Sunway Lagoon. He was totally great, energetic and cute.

Fun-fairing at Bukit Jalil.
Holidays at Jakarta-Bandung.
Celebrated Mother's Day at Manhattan's Fish Market with my family.
Went to Temerloh just to eat the famous Ikan Patin masak tempoyak. It was really really really good and spicy!

Simple birthday celebration for my dad and brother in-law at home.
Mandi-manda at Lubuk Manggis.
Holidays at Port Dickson.
Learned how to bake cookies with Anis and Bee. The cookies were superbly delicious like Famous Amos.
Arissa Humaira came into my life.
Celebrated Ida's bithday with a small cake at Midvalley.

Watched Shuffle Dance Competition at Stadium Putra with Anis and Fariz.
Hanged out with Manipal-ians at Times Square.
Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Involved in Malay Cultural Week as booklet designer.
Majlis Potong Jambul for baby Arissa.
Holidays at Kuching, Sarawak.
Celebrated Mirah's birthday at IMU with Jah.
Celebrated Ridhwan's birthday at The Gardens.
Family Day at Port Dickson.
Holidays at Cameron Highlands.
Celebrated Cipak's and Aleen's birthday with boxes of Domino Pizza.
Went to Jom Heboh at Bukit Jalil and watched the concert.
Went to Kuantan to visit my uncle who got heart attack.
Holidays at Surabaya. Great place with eye-pleasing panoramas.
Bye-bye 2009..
And welcome 2010!
IMU Orientation. Great experience, get to know each others, especially the Lollipop-ians..
Celebrated Fariz's birthday at my place.

Charity visit at Rumah Shalom.
Attended Bella's birthday at her house even though we got test on the next day.
Live like usual. Nothing great had happened.
Surprised Anis with birthday party. Picnic style in her house. Makan atas tikar.
Attended David Archuleta's showcase at Sunway Lagoon. He was totally great, energetic and cute.
Fun-fairing at Bukit Jalil.
Holidays at Jakarta-Bandung.
Celebrated Mother's Day at Manhattan's Fish Market with my family.
Went to Temerloh just to eat the famous Ikan Patin masak tempoyak. It was really really really good and spicy!
Simple birthday celebration for my dad and brother in-law at home.
Mandi-manda at Lubuk Manggis.
Holidays at Port Dickson.
Learned how to bake cookies with Anis and Bee. The cookies were superbly delicious like Famous Amos.
Arissa Humaira came into my life.
Celebrated Ida's bithday with a small cake at Midvalley.
Watched Shuffle Dance Competition at Stadium Putra with Anis and Fariz.
Hanged out with Manipal-ians at Times Square.
Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Involved in Malay Cultural Week as booklet designer.
Majlis Potong Jambul for baby Arissa.
Holidays at Kuching, Sarawak.
Celebrated Mirah's birthday at IMU with Jah.
Celebrated Ridhwan's birthday at The Gardens.
Family Day at Port Dickson.
Holidays at Cameron Highlands.
Celebrated Cipak's and Aleen's birthday with boxes of Domino Pizza.
Went to Jom Heboh at Bukit Jalil and watched the concert.
Went to Kuantan to visit my uncle who got heart attack.
Holidays at Surabaya. Great place with eye-pleasing panoramas.
Bye-bye 2009..
And welcome 2010!
bkn clebrate bday duwe bln 11 kt mid ke..??
bkn mid r.. the gardens.. aku x igt la tarikh die sbb kamera aku pny clock salah set.. hak3..
thx wat suprise bday tuk aku dlu..u're surely my bestie =)
bkn aku mmg bestie sume org ke? hak3..
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