Everybody seems to be impatiently inviting people to watch our one and only drama for Malaysian Studies.
MPharm P109
proudly invites those who read this blog
to watch our drama

starring Azleen, Gary, May Hwa & other talented actors/actresses...
There will be 3 dance performances by our own multi-talented batchmates.
on 5th February 2010 at Lecture Theatre 2 starting from 5 to 7 pm.
Come and join us.
Thanks to these bloggers who promotes this drama in their blogs:
Gaik Cheng

Kai Xin
May Hwa
Ren Yi

Weei Foong
It seems that EVERYBODY is excited to watch this drama.
proudly invites those who read this blog
to watch our drama

starring Azleen, Gary, May Hwa & other talented actors/actresses...
There will be 3 dance performances by our own multi-talented batchmates.
on 5th February 2010 at Lecture Theatre 2 starting from 5 to 7 pm.
Come and join us.
Thanks to these bloggers who promotes this drama in their blogs:
Gaik Cheng

Kai Xin

Weei Foong

It seems that EVERYBODY is excited to watch this drama.
talented singer and dancers tade ke? :p
eh, ko x prasan ke aku ade tulis??
babe, record it for me.. i wanna c it too.. sedeyh lah tade kat mesia,, heee.. record ye... =))
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