What snowman?
This typical snowman?

I'm not talking about this cute cold snowman..
I'm talking about the "other" snowman!

So, wassup with this snowman? I don't really know..
Should ask the Manipal-ians about it/him/her..
*kepenatan melanda selepas menyiapkan Microbes Lab Report (1500 words) and separuh Pharmacology Report.
This typical snowman?

I'm not talking about this cute cold snowman..
I'm talking about the "other" snowman!

So, wassup with this snowman? I don't really know..
Should ask the Manipal-ians about it/him/her..
*kepenatan melanda selepas menyiapkan Microbes Lab Report (1500 words) and separuh Pharmacology Report.
urghhh.. si snowman yang badd (bukan nama sebenar) cakap cute n hensem.. urrghhh.. he has leher-pendek-dan-badan-montel.. hhuihuhuuhuhhu badd punye taste mmg damn huduh..
but ill support him..if itu je yg boleh buat die happy
eh darling, jgn ckp open sgt.. bkn u sorg je bace blog i k.. bahaye nih..
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