Finally, I presented my topic Hypertension today..
I don't know whether I did good or not, but it's a relief that one burden was finally taken away from me.
I got Low Bee Yan as my evaluator. Luckily she wasn't as strict as Keivan..
Hypertension by me
and the lecturer asked about the drug combination T-T

Now, got 4 more things to do before this semester ends.
1. Microbiology Practical Report (done!)
2. Microbiology Class Test (no carry mark! YEAAAA!!!)
3. Pharmacology Wet Lab Report (partially done)
4. Biopharmacy Class Test
I don't know whether I did good or not, but it's a relief that one burden was finally taken away from me.
I got Low Bee Yan as my evaluator. Luckily she wasn't as strict as Keivan..

Now, got 4 more things to do before this semester ends.
1. Microbiology Practical Report (done!)
2. Microbiology Class Test (no carry mark! YEAAAA!!!)
3. Pharmacology Wet Lab Report (partially done)
4. Biopharmacy Class Test
uwaaaaa....!! x aci r ko wat keje cpat, hate u!
aci x aci.. jnji siap.. hak3..
dont hate because of what i am..
hate me because im hot.. oops~
u're so lucky babe, boleh pkai slides utk presentation. us?? pakai kapur ngan black board je.. :(((
eh babe, kapur n blackboard lebih berkesan utk kasi org paham...
kunonye manipal..sian madu haku..
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