Happy Birthday!
to Badd...
Badd is one of my best friends even though he is far far away in another region of the world. Manipal, truly Asia..
However, I still managed to pass him his birthday present which I bought from Korea last year. I passed the present to Wawa earlier this year during their semester break.
He was once my roommate in Cemara and also my neighbour in Cendana during our study in INTEC. We developed our friendship during Ko-PLN which was a program which was compulsory for JPA students. It's kinda a LDK (latihan dalam kumpulan) thingy.. Which was conducted by my beloved Pn. Hezlin, our Statistic lecturer.
My hobby with Badd is dance. We dance to KPop songs. Just watched video from Youtube and we would take an effort to learn the dance steps. Some of the songs we managed to learn was Into the New World (SNSD), Girls' Generation (SNSD), and Tell Me (Wonder Girls). Plus some steps from Kissing You (SNSD). Yes, it's all girls song because male song kinda difficult to learned the steps. Lol...
I can say that we spent most our time together along with the addition of Helmy and Azery to form a lahar group. When we were together, definitely we talked other that study. It might be about artist, KPop updates (like Klik magazine showed a false info about SNSD.. kan Badd?), music, movies and other stuffs which I should censored. Usually Badd was my dinner partner everyday (except when we had other occasion like birthday party which didn't involved one of us).
Last year, Badd experienced a floury Birthday surprise ragging. He was attacked by Apal and Jiji with a mixture of flour and eggs. I just watched the incident on the stairs to watch the funny moment. At first, Badd hide in TV room downstairs and also switched off his handphone (or in silent mode). We couldn't contact him at all until Apal found him in TV room.
He organised three birthday party last year.
1. with classmates at KFC
2. with housemates and neighbours at Cemara (Helmy's room)
3. with lahar gang at the Chicken Rice Shop.
My wishes for Badd:
1. Happy birthday again.. sweet 21.. (sweet ke?)
2. Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dikurniakan kekasih hati yg diimpikan
3. Semoga sukses dalam pelajaran walaupun agak susah untuk cemerlang (lulus sudah...)
4. Balik la Malaysia, nak menari lagi dengan ko..
Last but not least, stay cool, stay calm, stay lahar..

P/s: I wanna put a photo of Badd with all his birthday presents last year wearing his orange INTEC t-shirt, but the photo might humiliate him.. =)
Badd is one of my best friends even though he is far far away in another region of the world. Manipal, truly Asia..
However, I still managed to pass him his birthday present which I bought from Korea last year. I passed the present to Wawa earlier this year during their semester break.
He was once my roommate in Cemara and also my neighbour in Cendana during our study in INTEC. We developed our friendship during Ko-PLN which was a program which was compulsory for JPA students. It's kinda a LDK (latihan dalam kumpulan) thingy.. Which was conducted by my beloved Pn. Hezlin, our Statistic lecturer.
My hobby with Badd is dance. We dance to KPop songs. Just watched video from Youtube and we would take an effort to learn the dance steps. Some of the songs we managed to learn was Into the New World (SNSD), Girls' Generation (SNSD), and Tell Me (Wonder Girls). Plus some steps from Kissing You (SNSD). Yes, it's all girls song because male song kinda difficult to learned the steps. Lol...
I can say that we spent most our time together along with the addition of Helmy and Azery to form a lahar group. When we were together, definitely we talked other that study. It might be about artist, KPop updates (like Klik magazine showed a false info about SNSD.. kan Badd?), music, movies and other stuffs which I should censored. Usually Badd was my dinner partner everyday (except when we had other occasion like birthday party which didn't involved one of us).
Last year, Badd experienced a floury Birthday surprise ragging. He was attacked by Apal and Jiji with a mixture of flour and eggs. I just watched the incident on the stairs to watch the funny moment. At first, Badd hide in TV room downstairs and also switched off his handphone (or in silent mode). We couldn't contact him at all until Apal found him in TV room.
He organised three birthday party last year.
1. with classmates at KFC
2. with housemates and neighbours at Cemara (Helmy's room)
3. with lahar gang at the Chicken Rice Shop.
My wishes for Badd:
1. Happy birthday again.. sweet 21.. (sweet ke?)
2. Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki, dikurniakan kekasih hati yg diimpikan
3. Semoga sukses dalam pelajaran walaupun agak susah untuk cemerlang (lulus sudah...)
4. Balik la Malaysia, nak menari lagi dengan ko..
Last but not least, stay cool, stay calm, stay lahar..

From: Iwa Allen
P/s: I wanna put a photo of Badd with all his birthday presents last year wearing his orange INTEC t-shirt, but the photo might humiliate him.. =)