Because it was the last day I can't hang out with my best friend and ex-roommate, Badd. We have been friends for two years abd one year as roommate.
Why is it the last day?Well, it's simple. It's because he's flying to India tomorrow to further his study. We might not seen each other for 3 or 4 years in the future until we all finish up our degree. My degree will only start next year because Pharmacy intake in IMU (International Medical University) Bukit Jalil is in January, So, I had a very long holiday now.
We went to Midvalley to break fast with other lahar members. I arrived at 2.15 pm and I took a little walk in several shops while waiting for Badd to arrive. Only Badd and I arrived earlier than others because they had classes to attend at IMU. They said they will come after Asar. I walked insdie Jusco to survey some new toys especially Transformers but the stock there were very little. I guessed many people already bought the toys.
Then, I read some magazines in MPH Bookstores where I met Seetal Kaur, my ex-classmate at MRSM Beseri. OMG! It's had been years we didn't see each other since SPM. She looked a little bit surprise about my new look. Well, back there in Beseri, my hair wasn't a long as today. It's like Mawi. We had a short chit chat because she need to go to watch movie with her friends at 3 pm. After saying goodbye, I continue searching for a good and nice and interesting magazines. Then, I went to tha cashier to pay for the things I picked. I met Badd on my way to the counter.
After that, we continue touring the mall. We went to Converse where Badd bought a new red-yellow sling bag to be brought to India. Then, we dropped by Topman to window shop. Surprisingly, we met Ass there. He just arrived there and he bought a collar t-shirt. Then, we all went to ATM because Ass needed to withdraw some money. We continued our tour at Zara, Guess and some other expensive shops. Then, Ass left us because he need to be back at Seremban before Maghrib while we went to Jusco.
After wasting some time, Helmy, Ida and Bella arrived but without Azery. He's gonna be late again like usual. Actually he had some work to finished up. We went to Madam Kwan where Badd and I already booked for 6 person. The time was 6.30 pm at that time and it's just perfect to order food for our break fast. Helmy and I ordered Mushroom Chicken Rice, Badd - Nasi Lemak, Ida- Cantonese Kuetiau and Bella - Bojari Rice. We talked so much at that time just to wait for Maghrib. We talked, laughed, teased as well as watching people there. Then, I called Anis to ask about her problem. Azery came, and he ordered his food.
Badd, me and Helmy
Ida and Bella
Azery and Ida The food arrived stage by stage. First, the sauce, then the soup, followed by the chicken and finally the rice. Then, the waiter told us that we can break our fast now. So, I recited the prayer and we had a couple of dates as the starter. Unfortunately, Badd's meal hadn't arrived yet. So, we just ate our meal first without waiting for him. We told the waiter about the food several times. When, my plate nearly empty, Badd's nasi lemak finally arrived.
my Mushroom Chicken Rice
starving pose from Ida
starving pose from Bella Badd and I always talked about something secretly especially about the worker there. It's a boys bussiness, so we kept it secret from Ida and Bella. Hee.. Then, we paid the bill which cost RM 143.20. It's not too bad for 6 hungry people
(starving would be more accurate).
My comment about the food :
Very delicious indeed but please add more rice proportion! It's not enough for fasting people. Poor Azery, his noodles on in a small plate.After performing our Maghrib prayer, we went to many gift shop to find a suitable present for Badd as his flight present. Helmy droppeb by the Big Apple to buy half dozen of donuts. Finally, we bought a hippo plush toy with a blanket attached to it for Badd.
Bella and Ida
Badd, Bella and me at the gift shop
Then, we headed home as it's nearly late at night. 5 of them boarded the same train while I boarded the other train alone because of the different direction.
at KTM Station (I'm at the other side of the station)
I'm going to KLIA tomorrow with them again to send Badd and other Manipal students.