Maybe some of you knew already that during my semester break this year, I went to an English-speaking country which is Australia. This was my first time traveling to an English country even though I had travel a lot before this. Usually, my family and I had traveled to neighbouring countries such as Indonesia (Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, Padang, Bukit Tinggi, Danao Toba, Bali), Thailand (Bangkok, Chiangmai) and some Arabian countries such as Dubai and Iran (Tehran, Isfahan). I had also went to Saudi Arabia to travel as well as our main intention which was to perform 'ibadah' to Allah.
This, our travel to Perth, Australia was also joined by my uncle and his family, his workers and also my grandmother.
Perth City
21 Nov 2007 - Wednesday
We left KLIA to Bandar Seri Begawan by Royal Brunei flight. The journey took approximately 2 hours and we had a transit there for several hours. During this transit, we took chances to perform our prayer, went to toilet as well as buying some food to fill our starving stomach. Then, we continued our journey to Perth which took 5 hours. On board, I had the chance to watch a couple of moives which were Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix and also a musical movie, Hairspray. I loved Hairspray because it cointains a lot of interesting songs which were sung by the casts. This movie also starred some famous actors such as James Marsden, Zac Efrom and Amanda Bynes. Even though so, I still got a plenty of time to sleep which most of the people did in flight. The food served in the flight also not very bad such as Roasted Chicken with Potato and Ginger Fish woth Fried Rice. We used Royal Brunei flight service because it was cheaper than the direct flight.
at KLIA before boarding
We arrived at Perth at 6.40 pm (the time at Perth is 1 hour earlier than in Malaysia). We were welcomed by Sir John, the bus driver and also served as a tourist guide. He's not very informative as he rarely spoke during our journey. Then, we checked in at Perth Ambassador Hotel which is located at Adelaide Terrace. This hotel is situated in the middle of the city. I found out that there were no drainage system in Perth because the sandy soil here is enough to absorb water. Besides that, rain also rarely come down.
in front of the hotel
We had our dinner at Oleh-oleh Cafe which is an Indonesian restaurant which is located at Hay Street. It was just a 15-minute walk from our hotel. The price of the food was quite expensive but it's very worthy since they served the foon in large proportion. Our menu for the dinner was plain rice with fish and chicken curry. The food was very tasty and delicious. We ate the food very quickly because we were very hungry at that time.
22 Nov 2007 - ThursdayWe were brought for sightseeing at King's Park Botanical Garden in the morning. The view here was very beautiful and stunting with the fresh air, greenery, the monument and architecture. Perth city also can be seen from this garden which is located on a hillside. The trees and plants here were very different from my place, and the grass was like a green giant carpet.

After tired of walking around the park, we were given a chance to board a cruise along the Swan River heading to Freemantle. During my way, I can see a lot of local people did some recreational activities such as jet skiing and also boating. Lots of jellyfishes could be seen on the river surface. In the cruise, we were given a free drink (either coffee or tea). There was also a small stall selling souvenir at a corner of the cruise. I bought several small koala bears as souvenir.

We arrived at Freemantle at noon and directly had our lunch at a nearby restaurat, Char Char Bull Restaurant. This restaurant served seafood and some other dishes. We had sweet potato and tomato soup, fish & chips, fresh fruits (watermelon, honeydew and pineapple) and hot drink. The fish & chips was very appetising and mouthwatering. The fish fillet was very big and compact until some of us couldn't manage to finish it. This meal was served with frsh vegetables like salad leaves, carrots, cabbage and some other unknown gree vegetables and also served with the delecious tartar sauce. The weather outside was very windy and cold. I could see a lot of seagull flying in the sky. There was also a cleaning boat which functioned to collect rubbish from the river.
fish & chips
outside the restaurant
Before heading back to the city, we dropped by a memorial monument which named Fallen Sailors & Soldiers Memorial. We had a quick tour around the monument for photograph. After that, we went to a shopping complex at harbour town. I bought a long sleeve t-shirt and some souvenir for my friends. The price was also quite cheap. The shops here were very tempting but I had to closed my eyes because I didn't have a lot of money to spend. My shopping desire was tamed by the delicious kebab which was bought by my uncle.
23 Nov 2007 - Friday
Selepas bersarapan di hotel (Roti bakar, hash brown, cereal - makanan lain xleh mkn sbb dikhuatiri tidak halal), kami menuju ke Caversham Wildlife Park untuk meninjau haiwan2 unik di bumi Australia ini. Cuaca pd hari ini diramal 40 darjah celcius (panas nk mmps!). Antara haiwan2 yg sempat aku lihat dan belek2 adalah kangaru, koala, wombat dan walabi. Ada juga tasmania devil, dinggo, unggas2 serta beberapa haiwan biasa yg lain. Aku amat seronok melihat ibu kangaru yg mempunyai anak kecil di dlm pouchnya. Sgt comel! Aku memberi mknn kpd beberapa ekor kangaru serta mengambil gmbr dgn kangaru2 berkenaan. Ada kangaru coklat dan ada juga yg berwarna putih (albino agaknya). Terdapat juga burung merak di sini. Selepas itu, kami dibawa ke pondok wombat iaitu sejenis binatang yg sgt gemuk dan berat. Kami hanya dibenarkan menyentuh perutnya sahaja. Koala merupakan haiwan yg sgt comel tetapi pemalas. Ia hanya tidur sepanjang hari dan hanya bgn seketika sahaja. Aku sempat mengambil gmbr dgn koala tersebut. Sebelum keluar, aku memberi patung pewter kangaru dan koala utk dijadikan kenangan.

Pada jam 11 pagi, kami dibawa ke Margaret River Chocolate Company. Di sini, kami diberi sample percuma dan dibawa melihat proses pembuatan coklat. Terdapat pelbagai jenis coklat dijual di sini spt dark chocolate, white chocolate, nougat, chocolate milk dan juga t-shirt. Aku hanya meninjau2 keadaan sekeliling sahaja dan tidak membeli apa2 pun kerana mahu jimatkan wang untuk dilaburkan utk benda lain. Ibuku hanya membeli sebotol air susu coklat untuk dikongsi bersama2.
tgk je, x bli pn
Pada waktu ptg, kami dibawa pula ke Tumbulgam Farm utk meninjau proses mengetam bulu biri2. Kami juga dipaparkan dengan cultural show yg menunjukkan ttg orang2 asli Australia. Kami juga diberi peluang bermain alat muzik 'Digiredu' iaitu batang buluh yang menghasilkan bunyi aneh apabila 'bubbling' di dalamnya. Kami dibawa ke Shearing Shed di mana proses pengetaman bulu kambing dilakukan. Selain itu, beberapa ahli kumpulan kami diberi peluang utk menyusukan anak2 biri2 yg sgt comel. Sebelum pulangm kami dibawa mengelilingi ladang tersebut dgn menaiki cart yg ditarik oleh tractor.

24 Nov 2007 - Saturday
Kami meneruskan perjalanan ke Madurah untuk melihat dolphin. Madurah terletak 67 km dr bdr Perth. Kami menaiki bot dan dibawa melalui rumah2 di tepi sungai. Rumah2 tersebut amat moden dan setiap rumah memiliki bot mereka tersendiri. Pastinya orang di sini sgt kaya sehingga sanggup membazirkan berjuta2 dolar utk mbeli bot dan rumah. Nasib kami agak baik pada hari ini kerana ada seekor dolphin muncul semasa dalam perjalanan pulang ke jeti. Dolphin tersebut hanya muncul seketika untuk mengambil udara dan seterusnya hilang daripada pandangan mata.

Kami meneruskan perjalanan menaiki bas ke Freemantle Markets untuk shopping. Walaupun sblm ini kami pernah dibawa ke Freemantle, tetapi pada hanya pada hari Freemantle Markets dibuka. Nenek telah membelikan sehelai baju untukku di sini. Aku juga telah membeli snow globe kecil yang mempunyai patung black swan. Aku berjalan2 bersama adik dan sepupuku di dalam pasar yang x best ini. Kami diberi masa 2 jam utk bershopping di sini.
Setelah pulang ke Perth, pada malam itu, kami menyertai makan malam bbq yang dianjurkan oleh pakcikku dan rakannya. Restoran Love & Care merupakan restoran milik warganegara Malaysia yang menyajikan makanan Melayu. Pada malam ini, menu kami ialah BBQ ayam, kambing serta daging. Ada juga sosej, lasagna, nasi putih, asam pedas dan rendang. Tidak ketinggalan air sirap bandung yang telah kulantak sebanyak 3 gelas.
25 Nov 2007 - Sunday
Hari ini merupakan hari Free & Easy di mana kami diberi kebebasan utk berjalan sendiri di sekitar bdr Perth. Aku mengikuti ibu bapaku berjalan2 di Hay Street dan juga singgah di pasaraya Myer utk membeli coklat. Aku membeli coklat 'the Simpson' dan juga Spiderman. Coklat Spiderman tersebut telah ku bahagi2kn kpd rakan2 se'attachment' dgnku spt Badd, Apal, Mary, Pah, Senah, Yah dan Mimi. Selepas lunch, aku mengikuti pula abang dan adikku berjalan2 di sekitar dan juga ke Swan River dgn berjalan kaki. Penat juga berjalan kaki ke sungai berkenaan. Kami singgah di taman utk mengambil gmbr serta di jeti dan Swan Bell. Hari ini hanya ku habiskan dgn berjln2.. Kami juga sggh di London Court yg suasananya seperti Diagon Alley dlm cerita Harry Potter. Byk kedai tutup pd hari ini kerana pd hari Ahad, kedai hanya dibuka tengah hari hingga petang dan ada yg tutup pada hari ini.
London Court
jln2 kt bdr Perth
26 Nov 2007 - Monday
Aku bgn pd jam 1 pagi dan bersiap2 ke airport kerana pd hari ini, aku akan pulang ke Malaysia. Flight kami adalah pd jam 6.10 pg. Kami tiba di Malaysia pada jam 3.10 ptg dan selepas bersalam-salaman dgn ahli kumpulan yg lain, aku segera pulang ke rumah mengikuti keluargaku. Pada ptg tersebut, aku bersiap2 pula utk ke rumah Badd selama beberapa hari utk attachment di Hospital Serdang.
Aku berasa sungguh gembira dan amat berterima kasih kepada ibu bapaku yg bersusah payah membayar kos percutian kali ini iaitu RM3000+ bagi seorang. Duit perbelanjaan adalah hasil kutipan duit rayaku (AUD$100) dan ayahku telah menambah AUD$30 lg utkku dan adik-beradik yg lain. Aku juga sgt berterima kasih kepada pak cikku yg menanggung kos makan & minum kami semasa berada di Perth.
Dan itulah sahaja kisah percutianku pada kali ini. Diharap agar aku dpt melancong lg ke destinasi yg menarik pd masa hadapan. Semoga anda enjoy membaca post aku ini.
p/s: terima kasih juga kpd Mary yg telah membuka mataku utk menulis blog sendiri.. hehehe..