I just came back from Malacca last night after celebrating Badd's birthday with Lukman. After not getting my exam results on Friday because University of Strathclyde haven't verified our results yet, I left Vista at about 6.30 pm and drove in a lot of traffic jams.
Redah je...I reached Lukman's place at
Senawang at 7.30 pm and waited there for a while to perform our prayer. Then after Isyak, we moved to
Malacca and arrived there at 10 pm. Badd texted me saying that he was superbly hungry. Then we arrived at
Melaka Manipal College which is located at Bukit Baru near to Parkson and old Jusco. I waited in front of the hostel but Badd waited at the campus. Then, we were like "what the.....". Miscommunication ye.. Then we saw Badd's riding pak guard's motorbike. Thanks pak guard for finding Badd for us..
We found a spot to eat at
Bandar Hilir, opposite
Menara Taming Sari. There's a restaurant serving nasi campur; they served
asam pedas, masak lemak cili padi and other dishes as well. The food was good. Then we had a walk at the bazaar nearby buying more food for supper. We searched for a cheap hotel nearby and luckily Lukman knew the place. Hotel Mesra Mutiara. Because all small room were all occupied, we took the 5-pax room which cost RM100. It was ok, quite reasonably cheap and located beside mamak restaurant.

At 12 am, we wished Badd happy birthday and
pukul2 him by using a pillow. Pillow fight gtew.. But Badd pasrah jek.. We slept on each bed; Lukman and Badd conquered a queen bed each while I was comfortable with single bed because it was located near to TV.

When the sun rose, we
bersiap2 and then had our breakfast at the mamak restaurant. Then we headed to the new
Jusco at
Melaka Sentral. Badd shopped for some necessities and I bought something as well. Then Badd and I also registered ourselves as
pengundi at a SPR counter inside the Jusco. I got pissed a bit because again, my MyKad couldn't be read though it's still new. So I had to registered manually by filling the form. WTH.. Why Mykad cannot afford a more quality chip like ATM card? They last longer...

We went back to Bandar Hilir, searching for
Seoul Garden at
Mahkota Parade. The Seoul Garden here offered a promotion which cannot be found in KL. They got student price for weekend! And not just for lunch, but for dinner as well. RM25.90 for student, 50% off for birthday boy and normal price for Lukman because he didn't bring his student card.

We spend one hour there from 2-3 pm, eating a lot of meats, dim sum, steamboat and ice cream. It was definitely worth it. Thanks birthday boy for the lunch! After that we walked to
Secret Recipe to buy Badd a slice of cake.

At Badd's hostel room, Badd made us a jug of coffee. Too bad, Lukman doesn't drink coffee, so I drank with Badd only. We lighted the 2 big and 3 small candles for Badd and sang him a birthday song. Although we celebrated his birthday with 3 people only, I hope Badd loves it..
We showed Badd a few funny videos on Youtube especially the Angry Birds video that I posted here previously.

lepak2 a bit, Lukman and I said goodbye. I sent Lukman to Senawang before I continued my journey alone to Shah Alam.