Didn't buy anything here. Just came to take photos. =)
Power Rangers Megaforce Figures
*Power Rangers Megaforce 5' Figures*
Each RM29.90 purchased from Aeon Bukit Raja
Only pink ranger isn't metallic unlike the other four.
Pink Ra...
10 years ago
wan, makin cantik laa gmbr ko amek. jeles pulak aku ni...
nnt g vacation sama2 ok! hahaha
biasa jela.. thanks to photoscape gitu.. hihi..
of kos! nnt harus jenjalan same2! =)
Best gak gamba2 yang ko amekk..
btw,yg macam kat kaya ball pnye tempat buat tue takoyaki ke?
dop napok pulok hari tu
wahhh.. kak pah tuka name.. lebih original gtew... kaya ball tu french apebende tah..
x sempat ak nak post entry xmas market, dia dh post dulu..padahal i yg pegi dulu..bluekk =p
tula u.. ske berangan smpai lmbt belogging..
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