Today was my very first attachment that I attended. I didn't know what to expect since I never experienced any working situation in hospital. I was sent to Hospital Tunku Ampuan Rahimah as my attachment place along with other 11 students, which most of them are my besties.
So we departed from IMU at 7.30 am after waiting for Amirah's and Cindy's cars arrived in front of IMU. Thanks Vista B for bersiap2 awal. So I didn't to wait for them for so long. It took about 40 minutes to reach the hospital via KESAS highway with 3 x RM2.20 tolls. The traffic was okay, no jammed at all but the opposite ways showed a high degree of traffic jam.
At 8.20 am, we arrived at the hospital and we all gathered at the supply ward. It's a place where all the drugs are stored. I could see many cabinets filled with tablets and also some freezers which kept the cytotoxic drugs. So of the pharmacists a cutting the labels, doing something at the sinks and some of them were having some sort of discussion. After a short briefing by a local pharmacist, we went to our assigned wards.
I paired up with my housemate, Wanji and we got to work on an 'anaemia case with advanced renal failure' case. We were quite surprised at first because anaemia wasn't really stressed in our module. I could only remember anaemia briefly which was taught by Dr. Sufyan Akram more than one year ago.
At the ward, we did the clerking process which is merely just copying the information from the BHT into our PCP form. The patient which is a 49 years old female was very friendly. She cooperated with us very well. She got diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease and chronic renal failure which leads to anaemia. Poor lady, she doesn't look too old but got a lot of complications.
After we finished with our clerking, we discuss our case with our lecturers in the staff library. They asked some questions and we asked them questions as well. After we found out that we still have a shortage of information, we went back to the ward to question the patient again.

Finally, after we yakin diri with our case, we went out to AEON Bukit Tinggi for lunch. We had our lunch at Papa John's Pizza. Not all joined us, only me, Wanji, Fariz and Fyruz. We had quite a cheesy meal today. Not forget, the cheese tasted weird! I tried the Baked Papa John's which is basically a baked penne bolognaise topped with cheese and meats.. But I really enjoy the Italian Soda Green Apple. It taste better than a normal apple juice.
So we departed from IMU at 7.30 am after waiting for Amirah's and Cindy's cars arrived in front of IMU. Thanks Vista B for bersiap2 awal. So I didn't to wait for them for so long. It took about 40 minutes to reach the hospital via KESAS highway with 3 x RM2.20 tolls. The traffic was okay, no jammed at all but the opposite ways showed a high degree of traffic jam.
At 8.20 am, we arrived at the hospital and we all gathered at the supply ward. It's a place where all the drugs are stored. I could see many cabinets filled with tablets and also some freezers which kept the cytotoxic drugs. So of the pharmacists a cutting the labels, doing something at the sinks and some of them were having some sort of discussion. After a short briefing by a local pharmacist, we went to our assigned wards.
I paired up with my housemate, Wanji and we got to work on an 'anaemia case with advanced renal failure' case. We were quite surprised at first because anaemia wasn't really stressed in our module. I could only remember anaemia briefly which was taught by Dr. Sufyan Akram more than one year ago.
At the ward, we did the clerking process which is merely just copying the information from the BHT into our PCP form. The patient which is a 49 years old female was very friendly. She cooperated with us very well. She got diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease and chronic renal failure which leads to anaemia. Poor lady, she doesn't look too old but got a lot of complications.
After we finished with our clerking, we discuss our case with our lecturers in the staff library. They asked some questions and we asked them questions as well. After we found out that we still have a shortage of information, we went back to the ward to question the patient again.

Finally, after we yakin diri with our case, we went out to AEON Bukit Tinggi for lunch. We had our lunch at Papa John's Pizza. Not all joined us, only me, Wanji, Fariz and Fyruz. We had quite a cheesy meal today. Not forget, the cheese tasted weird! I tried the Baked Papa John's which is basically a baked penne bolognaise topped with cheese and meats.. But I really enjoy the Italian Soda Green Apple. It taste better than a normal apple juice.
juz want to know about ur opinion..if i apply for the pharmacy course
what do want to know?
same2 vista c!
sompek jo menangkap gamba kat library..
to our patient,
semoga cepat sembuh!
sompek2.. smga makcik tu cpt sembuh..
vista b rocksss! \m/
hmm....baru aku teringat ko x blog pasal dinner di murni lagi! =p
haha.. cam malas jek nk tulis pasal murni... kalo rajin aku tulis...
hey, how did you apply for attachment? =)
the university apply it for us.. but if wanna apply personally, u need to get a letter from your uni..
saturday and sunday need to work too?
nope.. this was just a 3-day attachment.. from monday to wednesday..
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