Hello, hello baby you called? I can't hear a thing I have got no service In the club, you see, see..
Tu dia, intro daripada Lady Gaga...
Surprise.. surprise..
We went out today as a whole gang minus Peruz plus Mije.. Our main intention today was to celebrate Cipak's and Mije's birthday at somewhere else other than the boring Bukit Jalil and Sri Petaling.
We tipu Cipak saying that we wanna go to Carrefour but instead we asked the taxi drebar to drive us to Midvalley. Cipak dah menggelabah sakan cakap uncle tu salah jalan.
We had our lunch and cake at Food Garden, The Gardens. I ate ttokboki, a spicy Korean rice cakes dish. Berpeluh2 makan tadi.. Nasi goreng ikan sweet sour yang Cipak order tadi pun agak sedap. We had blueberry cake today. We sang a birthday song to Cipak and Mije and then they blew the unlighted candles because none of us got lighter.

Then we all went to separate ways. Anis, Fariz and I went to watch Rapunzel 3D, the other boys went back home because they got other plan tonight, and other girls had some walk before they went back.
Rapunzel was awesome! It was worthy to watch eventhough 3D price is quite pricey. Dah 2 mggu berturut2 tgk 3D, mmg bleh bankrap. Kalo tgk Tron Legacy 3D, mmg papa kedana la I.
After shopping a bit at Jusco, we also went back.
Then balik study.. *ok, itu tipu*
Tu dia, intro daripada Lady Gaga...
Surprise.. surprise..
We went out today as a whole gang minus Peruz plus Mije.. Our main intention today was to celebrate Cipak's and Mije's birthday at somewhere else other than the boring Bukit Jalil and Sri Petaling.
We tipu Cipak saying that we wanna go to Carrefour but instead we asked the taxi drebar to drive us to Midvalley. Cipak dah menggelabah sakan cakap uncle tu salah jalan.
We had our lunch and cake at Food Garden, The Gardens. I ate ttokboki, a spicy Korean rice cakes dish. Berpeluh2 makan tadi.. Nasi goreng ikan sweet sour yang Cipak order tadi pun agak sedap. We had blueberry cake today. We sang a birthday song to Cipak and Mije and then they blew the unlighted candles because none of us got lighter.

Then we all went to separate ways. Anis, Fariz and I went to watch Rapunzel 3D, the other boys went back home because they got other plan tonight, and other girls had some walk before they went back.
Rapunzel was awesome! It was worthy to watch eventhough 3D price is quite pricey. Dah 2 mggu berturut2 tgk 3D, mmg bleh bankrap. Kalo tgk Tron Legacy 3D, mmg papa kedana la I.
After shopping a bit at Jusco, we also went back.
Then balik study.. *ok, itu tipu*
Meriahhhss sangat!very da aksi mengejutkan..naseb baek xde tachycardia..
i like2!
terharu kak pah,mak paulina,jestin viver dll..
meriah uols sgt kan!
hahaha, seb cipak x trauma too many surprises! lol
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