U turned one year old today. Be happy in your life and makes your abah and mummy proud.

For the first time ever, Angah and Kak Kyra is holding a birthday party plus kenduri tahlil in their new house.
Kenduri tahlil started at 9 am and involved jemaah surau. However, I missed the tahlil because my brother and I was returning back home to pick up some senduk because there's not enough senduk there. The menu for breakfast were nasi lemak, pulut kuning with beef/chicken rendang and roti jala with chicken curry.
Then, at noon it was a session with family and relatives. We sang a birthday song to Arissa. However, it was not her who blew the one-candle off, but Mikael did! It was funny though.. Lunch menu was chicken rice with other food from the breakfast.

At late noon, Angah's and Kak Kyra's friends came. They sang a birthday song one more time but this time with a different cake. It's a chocolate cake from Secret Recipe with a Barney cartoon imprinted on it. Sadly, at this time my brothers and I were sleeping upstairs due to exhaustedness helping out with the ceremony.
About 6 pm, people were beransur2 pulang. Then, we kemas2 everything and placed every furniture to their original place. My brother and I stayed until nightime where we helped Arissa opened her birthday presents. It was a LOT! She got a lot of toys, clothes and $$$ as well... *ka-ching!*.. Pasni, Arissa kena belanja uncle2 makan ye..
In conlusion *wah, bajet tulis esei plak kan!*, the party was awesome. Great food! Great cakes! Great balloons! and whatnots...
Love u Arissa..